Panasonic Launches Mass Production of Nicobo Companion Robots


The companion robot model has an elliptical shape measuring 20 cm, two pronounced eyes, and a tail. According to the developers, the robot should resemble a cute pet. Nicobo can wave its tail, respond to human actions, make sounds, and repeat the interlocutor's words. This model is promoted as an unpretentious pet to help those struggling with boredom and loneliness.

In 2021, Panasonic sold 320 devices as part of a crowdfunding campaign. The batch was sold in less than 7 hours back then. Therefore, a decision was made this year to increase the production of robots to meet customer demand. It also became known that Panasonic plans to promote Nicobo together with a subscription to cloud services.

During the crowdfunding campaign, the cost of the robot was estimated at about $287. It is currently unknown how much Nicobo will cost, but Panasonic plans to make the price lower as compared to its competitors.